Exercise Metabolism Research Group
Information Box Group

Vascular Dynamics Lab Learn about the VD Lab
In the Vascular Dynamics Lab we focus on examining the complex interactions of mechanical, neural and humoral factors in peripheral arteries in response to both acute and chronic changes in physical activity.

Molecular Exercise Physiology & Muscle Aging Lab Learn More about the Molecular Exercise Lab
The focus of the research in the Molecular Exercise Physiology and Muscle Aging lab is on the examination of the role of exercise as an activator of satellite cells in younger and older adults.

Protein Metabolism Research Lab Learn More about the Protein Metabolism Lab
The maintenance of a metabolically active skeletal muscle mass is to a great extent underappreciated, particularly where optimal health is concerned.

Integrative Neuromuscular Biology Lab Learn More about the Integrative Neuromuscular Lab
The focus of the research in the Integrative Neuromuscular Biology Laboratoy is to investigate molecular mechanisms of neuromuscular plasticity, with an emphasis on identifying new therapeutic strategies for neuromuscular disorders.

Human Performance Lab Learn More about the Human Performance Lab
The Human Performance Laboratory examines the effect of exercise at the molecular to whole body level in apparently healthy individuals and people with chronic diseases.

Congratulations to Sidney Valentino x 3

Sarah Arsalan, MSc Student Part of Winning Team in Universitas 21 (U21) and PwC Innovation Challenge
EMRG News, Kinesiology News, Molecular Exercise Physiology & Muscle Aging Lab
Overview of the opportunities (VDL)